Monday, March 17, 2008

How to include the timestamp in filenames (Windows)

It's little more difficult than in Unix.

We begin forming the name of the dumpfile:

Set fichero=MSMTD_%date:~-4,4%%date:~-7,2%%date:~4,2%%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%

Example output: MSMTD_200803171559

Let's see the batch file:


@echo off
set fecha=MSMTD_%date:~-4,4%%date:~-7,2%%date:~4,2%%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%echo Se generaran los ficheros %fecha% {.dmp y .log}
expdp system/password directory=exports dumpfile=%fecha%.dmp logfile=%fecha%.log schemas=MSMTD content=all keep_master=N
@echo ****** FIN DE LA EXPORTACION *********

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Test the connections to all the instances

I find very useful to connect to all my instances at the beginning of the day; in that way I can anticipate a lot of e-mails. This one is the most simplest version, using a windows batch file.

We need to enter a shell on our desktop PC (surely with all the network permissions to access the instances we administer), an Oracle Client installed (to use sqlplus) and a tnsnames.ora configured (at least an Instance Client).

Example of use:






Here we can see the "connects.bat" file and the "exit.sql" file.

U:\>type d:\dba\connects.bat
@echo off
sqlplus -S "sys/password@bdintppr as sysdba" @c:\exit.sql
sqlplus -S "system/password@dwhpro" @c:\exit.sql

U:\>type c:\exit.sql
set pagesize 0
col instancia format a10
select UPPER(instance) INSTANCIA from v$thread;

It's not the solution I most like, but it works well. The other solution I'm working in on consists in a PL/SQL the establish connections to the locations stored in a VARRAY.